ВЕСТ да је тог 2. јуна 1993. године из Уједињених нација стигла потврда о пријему Меморандума о злочинима над српским народом у Братунцу, Милићу, Скеланима и Сребреници, професора Миливоја Иванишевића озарила је надом да ће се правдољубиви свет, најзад, осврнути и на српске жртве.
Pa Srbi jebote opametite se vec jednom kad radite nesto sa Zapadom radite u vise primeraka jer nemoguce je da samo jedan primerak postoji i da ga je sklonila Olbrajtova mrziteljka Srba..??
Bilo bi vreme, da se podnese inicijativa, da se sedište UN, preseli, jer je izgubilo svaki smisao i neutralnost, pošto ga Zapad, a posebno SAD koriste kao svoje vlasništvo.
"Solo", preduhitrio si me... Nasi stalno grese i na isti nacin bivaju prevareni..Ovako vazna dokumenta salju se u overenoj prvoj kopiji.. Drugo, na isti nacin nas lazu..Svaki dogovor su slagali na isti nacin..Sto im odgovara prihvate, a sto ne prave se ludi, i za to ponovo pregovaraju..Problemu su nasi nepismenjakovici. Procitaju par clanaka o necemu, gledaju par raznih TV kanala i misle da su ekspert..., a uz to su uz neku stranku koja je na vlasti i koja se vise bori da sto vise prigrabi, nego da cuva drzavu.
JR.Thornton. Interpreter
Sergeant. British Army
Vitez. Bosnia
A view of the Balkans
AS A BRITISH SOLDIER WHO HAS SERVED widely in Bosnia for seven months now, I feel I must take issue with the nature of the reporting from this region [May 17]. In the case of the Muslim town of Sre¬brenica, your articles have been scath¬ing in denouncing the Bosnian Serbs and their shelling of the town. However, you have failed to address the question of where the Serbian population of Sre¬brenica was. The Serbs made up 30% of its prewar population. Early on in the conflict, they were forced out of their homes with whatever belongings they could carry and ordered to leave. As the Bosnian Serbs fled, Muslims fired wildly on men, women and children on the road. This story was told to British sol¬diers in Srebrenica by Muslims them¬selves and later by Bosnian Serbs. Earli¬er this year, Bosnian Muslims launched their offensive in eastern Bosnia, bomb¬ing Bosnian Serb villages, raping wom¬en and destroying livestock.
1 realize that this makes me sound like an apologist for the Bosnian Serbs. I know that what they are doing is terrible. But the press has a moral duty to report objectively. The media are creating a “Let’s do something’, let’s bomb the Serbs; let’s arm the Muslims” rhetoric that is very dangerous. We in Europe un¬derstand the Balkan chicanery and cun¬ning far better than Americans do. We do not want to see ourselves further em¬broiled in a morass when there is no one side that is uniquely culpable. A British soldier sees the bodies of three Croat children who have had their throats cut by Muslim soldiers. Does he want to see those Muslims with bigger and better weapons? Please be more objective.
JR.Thornton. Interpreter
Sergeant. British Army
Vitez. Bosnia
УМЕРЕНО до потпуно облачно, топло и током већег дела дана суво, а киша и локални пљускови, уз могућност грмљавине очекују се у току дана и увече углавном на северу и западу, а током ноћи местимично и у осталим крајевима.
Данијела Николић (36) из Јадранске Лошнице код Лознице нестала је у четвртак 19.15 сати и од тада јој се губи сваки траг, а иза себе је оставила само два писма, рекли су чланови породице.
28.04.2024. 13:32
Pa Srbi jebote opametite se vec jednom kad radite nesto sa Zapadom radite u vise primeraka jer nemoguce je da samo jedan primerak postoji i da ga je sklonila Olbrajtova mrziteljka Srba..??
28.04.2024. 13:36
28.04.2024. 13:39
Bilo bi vreme, da se podnese inicijativa, da se sedište UN, preseli, jer je izgubilo svaki smisao i neutralnost, pošto ga Zapad, a posebno SAD koriste kao svoje vlasništvo.
28.04.2024. 13:46
Patološka mržnja nekih je uvek bila prisutna, a onda im je NATO dao vetar u ledja i oni su se razuzdali.
Karlo Veliki
28.04.2024. 13:49
"Solo", preduhitrio si me... Nasi stalno grese i na isti nacin bivaju prevareni..Ovako vazna dokumenta salju se u overenoj prvoj kopiji.. Drugo, na isti nacin nas lazu..Svaki dogovor su slagali na isti nacin..Sto im odgovara prihvate, a sto ne prave se ludi, i za to ponovo pregovaraju..Problemu su nasi nepismenjakovici. Procitaju par clanaka o necemu, gledaju par raznih TV kanala i misle da su ekspert..., a uz to su uz neku stranku koja je na vlasti i koja se vise bori da sto vise prigrabi, nego da cuva drzavu.
tuzni srba
28.04.2024. 13:54
Da probam ! Sve te nazovi organizacije su obicna podvala mafije? Dokle ce ovce da bleje? Dokle se klanjati? Drzava je pojam a ne prazna rec !!!
28.04.2024. 14:07
JR.Thornton. Interpreter Sergeant. British Army Vitez. Bosnia A view of the Balkans AS A BRITISH SOLDIER WHO HAS SERVED widely in Bosnia for seven months now, I feel I must take issue with the nature of the reporting from this region [May 17]. In the case of the Muslim town of Sre¬brenica, your articles have been scath¬ing in denouncing the Bosnian Serbs and their shelling of the town. However, you have failed to address the question of where the Serbian population of Sre¬brenica was. The Serbs made up 30% of its prewar population. Early on in the conflict, they were forced out of their homes with whatever belongings they could carry and ordered to leave. As the Bosnian Serbs fled, Muslims fired wildly on men, women and children on the road. This story was told to British sol¬diers in Srebrenica by Muslims them¬selves and later by Bosnian Serbs. Earli¬er this year, Bosnian Muslims launched their offensive in eastern Bosnia, bomb¬ing Bosnian Serb villages, raping wom¬en and destroying livestock. 1 realize that this makes me sound like an apologist for the Bosnian Serbs. I know that what they are doing is terrible. But the press has a moral duty to report objectively. The media are creating a “Let’s do something’, let’s bomb the Serbs; let’s arm the Muslims” rhetoric that is very dangerous. We in Europe un¬derstand the Balkan chicanery and cun¬ning far better than Americans do. We do not want to see ourselves further em¬broiled in a morass when there is no one side that is uniquely culpable. A British soldier sees the bodies of three Croat children who have had their throats cut by Muslim soldiers. Does he want to see those Muslims with bigger and better weapons? Please be more objective. JR.Thornton. Interpreter Sergeant. British Army Vitez. Bosnia